Rapid Valve Solution - Martin Supply
Case Study

Rapid Valve Solution


A nuclear power plant faced a critical challenge with a damaged valve on their unit 3. The valve’s malfunction threatened the operational continuity of the unit, which could have resulted in significant revenue loss. The repair work required a specific type of Hydro pump—an Electric coupled triplex plunger pump—to create a plug that would allow the unit to continue running during maintenance. However, the manufacturer of the needed pump had none in stock, posing a significant obstacle to performing the repair without shutting down unit 3.


Recognizing the critical nature of the situation, Martin requested a list of customers from the pump manufacturer who had purchased the Electric coupled triplex plunger pump over the past four years. After making several phone calls, Martin successfully located a customer in Montana willing to sell their pump. This pump was expedited to the facility. However, an unforeseen winter storm grounded the plane carrying the pump in Indianapolis, leading to potential delays.

Undeterred, Martin quickly searched for an alternative solution and found a pump company in Ohio, capable of building a special pump overnight. The mechanic at the Ohio company agreed to work late into the evening to construct the pump, which was then delivered directly to our customer the following morning. Remarkably, both emergency pumps arrived within hours of each other, ensuring the valve removal and re-installation process could proceed as planned.


The determination and quick thinking of Martin, alongside the collaborative effort from various partners, led to a successful outcome for the plant. The timely delivery and installation of the emergency pumps allowed unit 3 to remain operational throughout the valve repair process, avoiding a potential shutdown. This exceptional level of customer service and logistical efficiency resulted in substantial savings for the customer, totaling $3,500,000 in avoided lost revenue! The case exemplifies the value of resourcefulness, swift action, and the importance of having a reliable network of partners in crisis situations.

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