Quality Mill, A Martin Supply Company is becoming Martin Supply on October 1, 2023.

New name. Same great service. More custom-tailored solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is Quality Mill Supply changing its name to Martin Supply?

Quality Mill Supply was acquired by Martin Supply in November 2022. The decision to rename the company as Martin Supply will enable us to present ourselves as a unified entity, streamline our services, and provide customers with more custom-tailored solutions. For further details about the acquisition, you can read the announcement here.

2. Will I be remitting invoice payments to the same account or address?

Yes. But, in the coming weeks, we will provide you with new updated information to remit payments. This communication will come via email.  

3. Will the company’s services and product offerings change with the rebranding?

No, the services and product offerings will remain the same, but now you will have access to even more solutions including safety supplies, trainings, inspections, fastening solutions and more. We will continue to provide the high-quality products and solutions that you have come to trust. Our sales and customer service representatives will continue to assist you as usual, and you can still make purchases through our eCommerce platform at https://www.qualitymill.com/Products.

4. What will happen to my open orders and ongoing projects during the transition?

Rest assured, all open orders and ongoing projects will be honored and processed without any interruption. Our commitment to providing excellent service remains unchanged.

5. Will I need to update my records with the new company name?

We encourage you to update your records to Martin Supply, but it is not required to do so at this time. Emails from your reps will come from an @martinsupply.com email domain, so you may want to update your contact records to their new email address. However, original @qualitymill.com email addresses will still work.

6. How can I learn more about the additional services and solutions offered by Martin Supply?

We invite you to visit our website at www.martinsupply.com. Here, you can explore the expanded range of services and solutions designed to help your company operate more efficiently and effectively.

7. Who should I contact if I have further questions or need assistance during the transition?

For any additional questions or support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your dedicated sales or customer service representative.

At Martin Supply, we value your business and are here to ensure a smooth and successful transition. If you have any other questions not addressed here, please reach out to your sales or customer service representative or contact your closest location.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in us as your preferred supplier.