The Impact of Smart Grinding Wheel Technology - Martin Supply

The Impact of Smart Grinding Wheel Technology

Grinding wheel at work

The Impact of Smart Grinding Wheel Technology

The Grinding Dilemma

Grinding steel beams is no easy task. It’s a process that’s as demanding as it sounds, requiring precision, endurance, and the right tools for the job. Our customer was using an excessive number of grinding wheels each day, leading to high costs and frequent change-outs. This not only slowed down production, but also placed a significant strain on the workers, causing fatigue and increasing the risk of injuries. The customer initially said they did not know that this was an issue because it was “the way things had always been.”

A Fresh Perspective

The first step was to challenge the status quo. Martin introduced the idea that what had always been accepted as ‘normal’ was, in fact, a significant inefficiency. Martin’s Tool Analysis Program specifies the right tools and supplies needed to minimize scrap, reduce excessive machine wear and tear, and determine causes of failure. Through comprehensive testing of various grinding wheels, Martin aimed to find a solution that would enhance performance, extend the life of the tools, and make the grinding process more user-friendly.

After testing several kinds of grinding wheels, the Martin Team was able to find one that improved performance, durability, and ease of use. However, a tool is only as effective as the person using it. To make sure that workers could get maximum value out of their new equipment, Martin led a detailed training session to teach proper application and care.

Immediate Results

The new grinding wheel chosen through Martin’s initiative dramatically outperformed the old ones. The daily usage of grinding wheels plummeted from 120 to just 24. This massive reduction translated into a hard cost saving of $94,500. Furthermore, the high-performance wheels did not suffer from loading issues, which meant less fatigue for workers, a lower risk of injuries, and a significant increase in productivity.

Grinding wheel case study

This solution is a testament to Martin’s role as more than just a distributor. We are a strategic partner capable of identifying problems, creating solutions, and implementing changes that lead to substantial improvements in efficiency, safety, and cost savings. To learn how Martin can help your team, contact your Martin Sales Rep or call 800.828.8116.

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