Cost Savings

Worker in warehouse viewing savings report on ipad

Transforming Vision to Savings

Martin’s approach to cost savings is rooted in the belief that our customers deserve more than just a transactional relationship. That’s why we go beyond merely supplying goods—we actively collaborate with you to drive process improvement. Drawing on our extensive network of manufacturers, we bring in experts to optimize operations and ensure cost efficiency. Moreover, our considerable buying power allows us to negotiate on your behalf, mitigating price increases and identifying economical alternatives. And, with real-time access to, quarterly performance reviews and KPI Reporting, tracking your savings has never been easier.

In 2023, Martin saved customers $3,011,541.

Quarterly Performance Review

Quarterly Performance Reviews (QPRs) are more than just meetings—they’re strategic sessions designed to align our efforts with your business objectives. During these sessions, we delve into key metrics, analyze performance trends, and identify areas for improvement. By collaboratively reviewing sales data, cost savings initiatives, and market insights, we ensure that our partnership remains agile and responsive to your evolving needs. With a focus on transparency and proactive communication, our QPRs serve as a platform for fostering growth, enhancing efficiency, and driving mutual success.

Martin rep meeting with customer in facility plant
Computer showing Martin Supply KPI reporting

KPI Reporting

KPI reports are the cornerstone of our commitment to transparency and accountability and offer concise insights tailored to your business goals. We track essential metrics, from MRO inventory and turns to cost savings and on-time delivery, to provide actionable data for informed decision-making. With clear visibility and analysis, our KPI reports empower you to optimize performance and drive continuous improvement efficiently. grants you real-time visibility into your savings journey. With user-friendly features and intuitive navigation, tracking your progress has never been simpler. Whether you’re monitoring cost savings initiatives, analyzing data by location, or reviewing business metrics, empowers you and your Martin Sales Rep to stay informed every step of the way. reports

See the Savings

View case studies for ways we've helped companies operate better.




Rapid Valve Solution Case Study Thumbnail
Saved $3.5M

Rapid Valve Solution

Quick solution saves customer over $3.5 million on avoided lost revenue

Fastener Solutions Case Study
Saved $240K

Fastener Sourcing Solution

Customer Saves $240K with Martin Fastening Service

Tier 1 VMI Case Study
Saved $61K

Save with VMI & Kanban

Tier 1 Automotive Company Saves $61K with VMI & Kanban