ByMartin Supply •
Five Reasons Why You Need an Industrial Vending Solution
Industrial vending machines automate the process of dispensing industrial supplies and equipment to your workforce. This includes common maintenance, repair, operating, and production products like protective clothing, specialty tools, and manuals. Industrial vending machines, along with an inventory management system, can track these items as they move in and out. This ensures that you never experience a shortage and ensures your operations run uninterrupted.
Industrial vending machines are great for tracking shared equipment and ensuring that items are coming back to the machine. They can be programmed to restrict access to certain items depending on a worker’s role and can even record who checked what out. This allows you to hold workers accountable for returning company equipment. In addition, the machines can set daily quantity limits for each item, reducing waste and hoarding.
- Reduce Costs
Industrial vending machines are able to limit and restrict access to dispensable items. As a result, you can regulate how much of each item your workers use. These machines can also track usage, which can help optimize inventory levels. This eliminates the need to overstock particular items – avoiding stock shortages and improving efficiency. In addition, your company can cut down on labor costs since you will no longer need people to administer equipment. This also means you need fewer maintenance workers. With all this mind, these machines could reduce costs for your company.
- Increase Efficiency
Industrial vending machines increase efficiency since they don’t take up much space. They can be placed throughout your warehouse or stock location. With multiple machines, you can reduce the amount of time workers spend waiting to get the items they need. Plus, industrial vending machines will always be running, so workers can grab what they need at any time of the day or night.
- Reduce Theft
Industrial vending machines can both limit the amount of equipment a worker can take out and can hold them accountable for returning the items. This set-up deters workers from stealing and encourages them to be more mindful about wasting items while on the job. For example, if a worker needs an average of ten fasteners a day and is limited to taking fifteen, they will be more careful about losing or misplacing these products.
- Location and Time Tracking
You can also track when, where and how long an item is used and ensure a reasonable return time. If you have workers moving to and from different locations, equipment may end up displaced. With industrial vending machines, you will know when items have been checked out and for how long. As a result, you can hold workers accountable for returning the items to the right location. This will result in a more organized system.
- Eliminate Inventory Shortages
Industrial vending machines can eliminate stock-outs by tracking usage and replenishing items once they reach their minimum levels set by you. An industrial vending machine will give you visibility and the ability to track the movement of these items. They ensure that the items your workers need are always in stock, so they can get the job done.
Items Commonly Stored in Industrial Vending Machines
- Safety Equipment: Ear protection, safety glasses or goggles, first aid, gloves, vests, hard hats
- Test Instruments: pressure gauges, gas analyzers, anemometers, adhesion testers
- Fasteners: hardware, hooks, bolts, anchors, nails, nuts, rivets
- Power Tools: heat guns, power shears, drills
- Hand Tools: Torque wrench, pipe wrench, clamps, pliers, bolt cutters
- Office Supplies: Toner cartridges, laptops, batteries, utensils, paper, binders
Contact Martin today to learn how our Industrial Vending Solutions can help your company operate better.
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