Mastering LOTO: Martin Helps Food and Beverage Manufacturer Rectify OSHA Citations - Martin Supply

Mastering LOTO: Martin Helps Food and Beverage Manufacturer Rectify OSHA Citations


Measuring LOTO

In the detailed world of food and beverage manufacturing, ensuring the safety of workers is paramount. However, a manufacturer recently found itself in a challenging position when cited by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for lapses in training and non-compliance with specific lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedures. Facing a tight deadline to rectify these issues, the manufacturer needed a robust solution to manage its extensive lockout procedures for 300 machines, standardize them across the board, and provide accessible and consistent training to its employees.

The manufacturer’s predicament had multiple layers. They were cited by OSHA for inadequate training and failure to meet specific requirements for LOTO procedures. They also needed a way to manage and standardize 300 machine-specific LOTO procedures. Finally, they were under pressure to meet OSHA’s compliance deadline with limited resources and time.

Recognizing the urgency and complexity of the situation, Martin partnered with Brady, a manufacturer of safety identification technology, to find a solution that would address the immediate compliance issues and find a path to long-term safety management. The solution was split up into two parts:

  • Visual LOTO Procedures
    The team’s engineers reviewed and authored new visual LOTO procedures for each piece of equipment, ensuring clarity and understanding.
  • LINK360 Software
    This innovative software allowed for the management and standardization of safety and procedural information across all equipment, providing a centralized platform for access and accountability.

Additionally, the team utilized color-coded energy source tags to visually match the lockout procedures, enhancing the intuitive nature of the safety measures.

A critical aspect of the solution was empowering the manufacturer’s team to sustain the program independently. Martin safety professionals developed a custom training program that included both classroom sessions and on-the-floor applications, ensuring that employees fully understood the new procedures and software. When working on complicated machinery, it’s important that each employee fully understands the hazards and responsibilities of each machine before handling them.

The impact of the change was significant. All 300 lockout procedures were successfully integrated into the LINK360 software, making them easily manageable and compliant with OSHA’s stringent requirements. The comprehensive on-site training ensured that all employees were well-versed in the new procedures and software, fostering a culture of safety and accountability.

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